XXIV Conference of PhD Students and Young Scientists

Interdisciplinary topics in Mining, Geology and Geomatics

23-25 October 2024 | Wrocław, Poland

honorary patronage

State Mining Authority
(Wyższy Urząd Górniczy)



Watch a special video from the Horizontal Contact Point Southwestern Poland, introducing the opportunities of the Horizon Europe program. This is a preview of their presentation, which will take place just before the opening lecture of our conference.


Dear Conference Participants! We have great news for you! The final conference schedule has just…

Czytaj dalej

We are excited to share that the Employers’ Organization of Polish Copper (Związek Pracodawców Polska…

Czytaj dalej

We’re honored to welcome Associate Professor Karol Leluk as our keynote speaker for the Earth…

Czytaj dalej

We are excited to announce that a representative from the Horizontal Contact Point Southwestern Poland…

Czytaj dalej

Hey everyone! We’re excited to invite every conference participant to our upcoming hands-on workshop on…

Czytaj dalej

We are excited to share that Poltegor – Instytut has joined our list of conference…

Czytaj dalej

Important update for everyone interested in our conference! We have great news for you! We’ve…

Czytaj dalej

We’re honored to welcome Professor Anna Szostak-Chrzanowski as our keynote speaker for the Mining Geoengineering…

Czytaj dalej


Conference agenda