Poster session WszystkoCPSYS2024Earth and Space ScienceGeoengineeringGeoinformationMining Engineering 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceThe natural lunar regolith simulant from Lower Silesia basalts 0 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringAnalysis of oxygen carrier parameters designed for chemical looping combustion of coal 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceProperties of synthetic perovskite-based materials for Chemical looping application 1 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringThe impact of carbonic acid on porosity during gmatrix acidizing of corbonate reservoirs: implications for reducing CO2 emissions 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationCreating web applications with thematic maps using GIS software 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationApplication of hyperspectral data of the PRISMA mission to identify selected tree species in the area of active lignite extraction along with the assessment of the vegetation state 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationStudy of the water quality of post-mining lakes using hyperspectral data from the German EnMAP mission 2 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationComparison of soil moisture data from in-situ measure with geological data 2 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationThe use of in-situ sensor to observe the soil moisture in mining-influenced polder areas 2 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationThe use of multisensoral monitoring: drone flights to detect fault zones in the mining areas 2 CPSYS2024, GeoengineeringDevelopment of methodology of volume assessment of a cargo loaded on a moving object using terrestrial laser scanning technique 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationAnalysis of spatio-temporal architectural and environment changes of the Wrocław cathedral 1 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationCartographic editing of agricultural crops from the SATMIROL program on cadastral plots as agricultural parcels 0 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringMODERN TECHNOLOGIES TO IMPROVE WORK SAFETY IN MINING 0 CPSYS2024, Geoinformation3D data processing for VR visualization: A case study of the „Podgórze” uranium mine 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceDiscovery of new gabbro/diabase and diabase/basalt contact zones as result of rock sampling in the southern parts of the Nowa Ruda Massif 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceSulfur speciation, concentration and sulfur isotopes in the gabbro and diabase rocks of the Central Sudetic Ophiolite, Poland 0 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringAutonomous mobile inspection robots in deep underground mining – current State of The Art and future perspectives 0 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringApplication of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in predicting airflow behavior in copper mines 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationGeohazards caused by mining activities – an overview 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationAnalysis of the Possibility of Using Laser Scanning and UAV Photogrammetry to Build a 3D Model of a Historic Church 1 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringCURRENT APPROACH TO ASSESSING THE ENERGY EFFICIECNY OF BELT CONVEYORS – AN OVERVIEW 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceAnalysis of the dynamics of glacial fronts changes for Hornsund Fjord (Svalbard) over 30 years based on Landsat multispectral images 0 CPSYS2024, Mining EngineeringProposal for a method to measure and analyze the geometry of an architectural object under conditions of thermal insulation coating of the facade 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationEmpirical Analysis of the Accuracy of Pulsed Laser Scanners under Different Measurement Conditions 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationNon-metric photogrammetric camera calibration: a study of DJI and full frame cameras 0 CPSYS2024, Earth and Space ScienceStudy of groundwater temperature in Wrocław city 0 CPSYS2024, GeoengineeringThixotropic properties of selected soils 0 CPSYS2024, GeoengineeringEXPERIMENTAL METHOD FOR TESTING THIXOTROPIC PROPERTIES OF SOILS 0 CPSYS2024, GeoengineeringDevelopment of methodology of volume assessment of a cargo loaded on a moving object using terrestrial laser scanning technique 0 CPSYS2024, GeoinformationCARTOGRAPHIC EDITING OF AGRICULTURAL CROPS FROM THE SATMIROL PROGRAM ON CADASTRAL PLOTS AS AGRICULTURAL PARCELS